Daddy Issues: Why Does He Hate Me
We love to watch Olivia Pope in action. She’s such a complex character. Her leadership, self-confidence, and acrimonious ability to...

A Scandal II
I used my key to open the gate at the house and again on the front door. It felt good to be home. I hit the light and discovered my bike...

Out of the Shadows: Scandal's First Lady
While I was watching #Scandal throughout the first few seasons, it was in my opinion that Mellie Grant was arguably the most disliked...

How to Receive a Massage (Scandal Style)
The weight of responsibilities and unhealed wounds can sometimes grow too heavy. If you don’t remember your strength, take a moment of...

A Scandal
A Scandal Darkness surrounded me as I locked the office door at Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency on Broadway. I jumped on my...

Are You In Love with a Narcissist? Part 2
Are You In Love with a Narcissist? Part 2 In Part I, I discussed how to identify a person displaying narcissistic traits and the impact...

Are You in Love with Narcissist? Part 1
Beyoncé’s new album “Lemonade” has the rumor mill in full swing about her marriage. So many have been desperately waiting to confirm that...

Ease Into Spring!