"Happiness starts with a healthy mind, body and spirit."
You are a unique, complex and wonderful person. You were born 'whole', energetic, and ready to receive what the world has to teach and offer. But over time, life's challenges can erode your confidence. Disappointments, illnesses, relationship issues, family confilicts, or career stress can leave you feeling less than fulfilled. The good news is, the only thing in the way of you living fully - is you. And the only path to finding and living there already lies within you.
We believe that through our attention to, and alignment with, all three dimensions of our being — body, mind, and spirit — we are most equipped to live our best life to the fullest…experiencing wonder, joy, and overall wellbeing. By training your active mind to choose the beliefs, perceptions and assumptions that fuel your passion and potential, listening to the wisdom of our bodies, and hearing our spirit’s calling, you CAN create the life you were born to live. Let us show you how.

Individuals looking for new ways to address everyday life stressors commonly turn to a professional for help. You may have noticed that you have developed patterns of thinking, behaving or relating that are not working anymore; or maybe they never did. We can help you understand and change those patterns.

The mind and body are closely connected -- thoughts, feelings, and physical experiences interact in many ways. Learning effective ways to connect mind and body and to integrate thinking and feeling can help with solving problems, changing behavior, and experiencing greater calmness, well-being, and life satisfaction.

Do you ponder about the meaning and purpose of your life? Guided self-reflection can show you that that everything is an opportunity to see yourself more clearly. In all life’s difficult moments there is opportunity to open to your awareness and gain the potential to make conscious choices rather than relying on your habitual responses.

Dr. Vernita Marsh, Clinical Psychologist
"You will find our practice to be a warm and inviting atmosphere. Our holistic approach which means we incorporate a multiethnic perspective as well as spiritual, psychological, mind, and body perspectives. We are strongly committed to supporting people to recognizing their dreams and living their lives to the fullest. We examine with people the underlying concerns that have hindered them from leading a more successful, happy, fulfilled, and vibrant life. We believe in helping people to have clear informed choices as opposed to operating from a “knee jerk” reaction in order that people can understand why and how to behave differently. Many come into treatment because they have engaged in repeated patterns of behaviors and not understanding why they have not been able to stop despite their knowledge of knowing that they want to do different. In brief, my staff and I work with these repetitive patterns to interrupt the cycle so that change can occur.
We consider ourselves to be active clinicians, engaging you in the treatment in a cooperative and empowerment mode. At Vernita Marsh & Associates, our style is also known to be pragmatic - providing education regarding the problem and symptoms, offering insight concerning what has maintained the problem, and assisting you in finding practical solutions.
Regardless of what brings you here today, let me say 'Welcome'. My staff and I look forward to meeting you, and appreciate the opportunity to work together to help guide you on the path toward total wellness."
"Getting to know myself through you has been an amazing journey. If I hadn’t been there I wouldn’t believe it. I did not know how disturbed and traumatized I had been, and I didn’t know how wonderful life could be now. I continue to be amazed at the person I have become. Words and money could never thank you enough."
T.A. Oakland
"We don't fight now, we communicate. It's so much easier now that I don't feel so on edge."
A.P. Alameda